{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "id": 52, "name": "VT Data - Broadband RDS 2021", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "This layer is based on the Vermont E911 Road Centerline layer and depicts associated broadband deployment for each road feature. For each road feature the BB_TYPE field depicts the presence of Cable or FTTH deployment. The layer consists of three component parts: the 2021 FTTH layer, the 2021 Cable layer, and the E-911 Road Centerline layer. The FTTH and Cable layers themselves are also comprised primarily of features copied from the E-911 Road Centerline layer. Note that deployment does not always extend to to the complete extent of road segments so the layers include many clipped road segments and thus care must be taken in performing analysis using just road segment IDs in this layer as it includes duplicate segment IDs.The following procedures were employed in the creation of this layer.Step 1: The FTTH and Cable layers are primarily comprised of road segments with the ten (10) AOT CLASS entries listed below. However, the layers also include some segments from other AOT classes where service was reported and some features from the E-911 Driveways layer where service was reported. These features were removed from this layer, which only includes the features with the 10 AOTCLASS entries.Town Highway Class 1 (code 1)Town Highway Class 2 (code 2)Town Highway Class 3 (code 3)Town Highway Class 4 (code 4)State Forest Highway (code 5)National Forest Highway (code 6)Private Road (code 8)Private Road (code 9)State Highway (code 30)US Highway (Code 40)Step 2: Use the Erase tool (the opposite of the Clip tool) to remove from the Cable layer lines that overlap with the FTTH layer.Step 3. Combine the FTTH and Erased Cable layersStep 4: Use the Erase tool to remove from the E-911 RDS layer the lines that overlap with the combined Cable and FTTH layer.Step 5: Add BB_Miles field, calculate milesStep 6: Add BB_TYPE field, populate Cable, FTTH, NoCableOrFTTHStep 7: Merge FTTH, Erased Cable, and Erased E-911 Centerline layer to create Broadband_RDS layer Step 8: Run statistics on Broadband Status layer, Count ESITEID by SegmentIDStep 9: Join statistics results to Broadband RDS layerStep 10: Select features where BB_TYPE= NoCableOrFTTH and Count of ESITEID is null, populate BB_TYPE= NoCableOrFTTH_NoLocStep 11: Join based on MCODE to add fields from BNDHASH, including TOWNNAME, TOWNGEOID and CUD, as MCODE is a naming convention used by Vermont E-911 and does not completely align with naming convention in BNDHASH", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolyline", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 32145, "latestWkid": 32145 }, "copyrightText": "Vermont Public Service Department", 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